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BALTIMORE, MD (July 15, 2020) — Business is growing for SameGrain, Inc, a Maryland-based company that specializes in building AI Enabled Community Engagement Platforms.  Over the past year, the company has won a series of noteworthy contracts for the development of a peer engagement platform for the Air Force.  Based on patented technology, a proprietary ML algorithm, deep data, and unique communication tools, SameGrain is used to match and connect individuals that share multiple deep attributes such as the same health issues, habits, job skills, interests, and more.


Last Fall, SameGrain was awarded a US Air Force (USAF) AFWERX Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase I contract to research how SameGrain’s platform could be utilized to mitigate suicide within the military.  AFWERX is an organization within the USAF that works to promote USAF engagement with industry, academia, and other contributors to foster innovation.  This contract allowed SameGrain to engage with key customers and end users on the adaption of the companies platfrom for strategic USAF requirements.  


In February, SameGrain was selected to participate an AFWERX Base of the Future Challenge Workshop focused on “Empowering Airman and Family Wellbeing.”  Here innovative businesses like SameGrain submit solutions to specific challenges that the USAF may then pursue further. In late June, SameGrain’s solution was selected out of over a thousand worldwide applicants to advance to the next stage which includes an opportunity to exhibit at the AFWERX Base of the Future Fusion Showcase being held later this month. 


Following closely behind the AFWERX workshop, SameGrain was awarded a USAF AFWERX SBIR Phase II contract. Under this award, SameGrain will develop a platform for Air Force Special Ops Command to privately match and connect Airmen dealing with the same invisible wounds and life hurdles, which can help prevent loneliness and isolation. The goal of this project is mitigate suicide by proactively reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness while also developing a deeper sense to community.

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